Monday, October 28, 2019

Radical Question #6: What is the Nature of Biblical Assumptions?

Radical Question #6: What is the Nature of Biblical Assumptions?

Answer: They Interpret All Reality.

We all have assumptions, and unless we examine them, we play the fool.

Kurt Godel, the brilliant mathematician and colleague of Albert Einstein, proved that the equation of 1 + 1 = 2 (in a world of positive integers) cannot be proven mathematically.

For mathematics is a closed system, and first you must step outside of it, and make the assumption that 1 + 1 = 2, then all math, science, physics, music, art, engineering, architecture and on outward works without exception.

Einstein argued for the same assumptive reality for understanding the closed system of the universe, as he developed his theory of relativity. You must step outside of it and assume it. And Who or what alone is greater than space, time and number? The only conceived or written idea in history is the Hebrew Name of Yahweh Elohim, the Creator.

The greatest assumption of all is Genesis 1:1 -- In the beginning God created ... All else flows from here. It is the first of twelve positive and identifiable assumptions of Genesis 1-2, upon which all human knowledge and the finest liberal arts system follows:

1. The nature of the Creator.
2. The nature of politics.
3. The nature of the heavens -- the visible and the invisible.
4. The nature of communication, of light and darkness.
5. The nature of man and woman in the image of God.
6. The nature of human freedom.
7. The nature of hard questions.
8. The nature of human sexuality.
9. The nature of science and the scientific method.
10. The nature of verifiable history.
11. The nature of covenantal law.
12. The nature of unalienable rights -- life, liberty and property.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This foundation of all presuppositions is radical. I wish I could alienate my mind from all others. It is clean.